Fac Recognition Model using MobileNet architecture by Transfer Learning
In transfer learning, the knowledge of an already trained machine learning model is applied to a different but related problem.
For example, if you trained a simple classifier to predict whether an image contains a backpack, you could use the knowledge that the model gained during its training to recognize other objects like sunglasses.

Requirement of this task
For this task I have used a pretrained Mobilenet dataset
1.First I have collected the samples of my face
2.Trained the model using the vgg16 architecture
3.Tested the output with train and test dataset
Step 1:collecting data samples
Using Python Code, clicking pictures and storing it to create a set of data samples

Using MobileNet for our classifier
After the samples collection is complete used mobilenet as a classifier

Training the model with 4 epoch

Loading the classifier

Testing & Output Prediction